NiPS Laboratory, together with the University of Bristol and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is organizing a Doctoral Symposium to be held in Bristol, on Sept. 16th, 2015.

The doctoral symposium is a part of ICT-Energy workshop (2015) (

This symposium is a great opportunity for PhD students to present their thesis work to a broad audience in the ICT community from both industry and academia. The forum may also help students to establish contacts for entering into research related to minimization of energy from various layers. In addition, representatives from industry and academia get a glance of state-of-the-art in the energy minimization field.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Power- and thermal-aware algorithms, software and hardware

– Sensing and monitoring – Power and thermal behavior and control

– Data centers optimization

– Smart grid and microgrids

– Low-power electronics and systems

– Power-efficient multi/many-core chip design

If you want to know more, please download the Symposium brochure here.

Doctoral Symposium in Bristol on Sept. 16th 2015
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