Perugia, July 31, 2015
NiPS Laboratory is organizing a networking session at ICT2015, in Lisbon, on Oct. 22, 2015.
The title of the session is "Decreasing energy consumption toward zero-power devices". 

The objective of this session is twofold: 

1) to bring together people from the world of research with people form the world of industry, interested in lowering energy consumption in ICT devices. They often speak two different languages and have different perspectives. In this session we will hear from both community in short, focused communications.

2) to raise awareness in the ICT people (at large) in the importance of decreasing energy dissipation in the future of ICT devices. This strategic bottleneck is often overlooked when people think at the future of ICT. We need to put under focus the connection between the need for powering mobile devices (in the internet-of-things scenario) with the need for decreasing heat production in future microprocessors. Both these aspects rely on the science of energy transformation at micro and nano scale. By addressing this very issue we will open novel perspectives for exascale computers and micro wireless autonomous sensors at the same time.

If you want to know more:
@ICTEnergy_EU session at ‪#‎ICT2015‬
NiPS Laboratory is organizing a networking session at ICT2015, in Lisbon,
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