We are glad to announce the NiPS-EnABLES Winter School 2020, a completely free virtual event that takes the place of the previously announced Summer School of July 2020, cancelled due to the CoVid-19 emergency. The virtual Winter School will take place from Tuesday the 15th to Friday the 18th of december 2020, from 15h to 18h (CET); moreover in the last day it is foreseen a virtual poster session to allow the participants to present their own works and activities. This is a great opportunity for graduate and PhD students, post-docs, young researchers and in general for all the scientists interested in the topics of energy transformation at microscales for IoT applications, such as energy harvesting, storage, micro-power management and systems integration. It is not only an occasion of learning from highly skilled professionals of IoT, but even an opportunity for encouraging collaborations and the comparison between different and complementary competences.