Non-linear power management for piezoelectric transducers

Content of the lecture:

Piezoelectric transducers represent an effective and widely-adopted choice for energy harvesting applications. However, in order to harness the available power, special care must be put in the design of power conversion interfaces. In this context, the so-called synchronized-switch converters play an important role. This lecture will analyze the main power conversion interfaces for piezoelectric transducers and will discuss the impact of the associated electromechanical damping effects.

Teacher: Prof. Aldo Romani

Aldo Romani currently serves as Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering at the Campus of Cesena of the University of Bologna. His research topics include micro-/nano-power electronic design, circuits for energy harvesting, and applications of piezoelectric transducers. He participated to several European and national research projects. He is currently a supervisor of the IC design activities of the joint laboratory of STMicroelectronics and the University of Bologna. He is a co-recipient of the 2004 Jan Van Vessem Award of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference and is co-author of over 80 publications and patents.

