The NANOPOWER project holds the first year review meeting in Cork (IR) on Oct 25th 2011.

The NANOPOWER project was conceived with the idea that a new generation of micro-to-nanoscale devices aimed at sensing, processing, actuating and communication will not be possible without solving the powering issue. Powering is relevant at least in two aspects: 1) too much power is currently dissipated into heat in the present generation of microelectronic devices. 2) Micro to nanoscale low-power autonomous devices of the next future will be powered by transforming energy available in the ambient. The scientific objective of this project is thus to study energy efficiency with the specific aim of identifying new directions for energy-harvesting technologies at the nanometre and molecular scale. Together with the scientific objective the project focuses also on an highly ambitious technological objective: to integrate such technologies into autonomous nanoscale systems to allow new, low-power ICT architectures to find their way into devices.

The NANOPOWER consortium has been very active in this first year devoting 103,6 person months  (103,6 over 301 in total) to project activities organized in 23 Tasks (23 active over 30 total) distributed in 7 work packages.

This work has generated a vast scientific activity that has involved universities, research centers, stockholders and the general public in more than one way with potential impact that will be evaluated in the years to come. The products of research generated in this year can be summarized in: 12 Deliverables (10 reports, 1 numerical code, 1 web site); 9 scientific articles on international ISI journals; 23 communications to international conferences; 2 Newsletter issues; 5 Board meetings; 4 Consortium meetings; 1 Summer School.

NANOPOWER 1st year Review meeting
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